Multi-language character counter and text analyzer

This web application is a multi-language character counter and text analyzer that can be used to count the number of characters and bytes in a given text string. It supports English, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, and can be used to count characters in both upper and lowercase, as well as kana and kanji and extracts email addresses and URLs.
Total character 0 Total byte 0


There is no email address in the input text.


There is no URL in the input text.


This application counts the number of characters and bytes in a given text string, using UTF-8 encoding.
It also supports counting characters in upper and lowercase for English, kana and kanji for Japanese, and Unicode (2 bytes) and UTF-8 (3 bytes) for Korean.

Language Type Count Byte Language Type Count Byte
English Uppercase 0 0 Japanese Hiragana 0 0
Lowercase 0 0 Katakana 0 0
Total 0 0 Total 0 0
Korean Unicode 0 0 Chinese Total 0 0
UTF-8 0 0

Punctuation marks and Special character, Etc.

This application counts common punctuation marks, special characters, email addresses, and URLs.
For Chinese and Japanese, only common special characters are counted. Other characters that are not counted are counted as special characters according to the UTF-8 standard.

Character Type Count Byte Character Type Count Byte
White space() 0 0 Comma(,) 0 0
Comma(顿号-cn, 読点-jp)() 0 0 Chinese comma() 0 0
Question(?) 0 0 Exclamation(!) 0 0
Quotation(') 0 0 Double quotation(") 0 0
Apostrophe(') 0 0 Hyphen(-) 0 0
Dash() 0 0 Ellipsis() 0 0
Colon(:) 0 0 Semicolon(;) 0 0
Parenthesis open(() 0 0 Parenthesis close()) 0 0
Bracket open([) 0 0 Bracket close(]) 0 0
Angle bracket open(<) 0 0 Angle bracket close(>) 0 0
Braces open({) 0 0 Braces close(}) 0 0
Circle dot() 0 0 Period(.) 0 0
Carriage return() 0 0 Number 0 0
Japanese Kakikako open() 0 0 Japanese Kakikako close() 0 0
Japanese Double Kakikako open() 0 0 Japanese Double Kakikako close() 0 0
Special character and Etc. 0 0

How to use

  1. Enter a string in the text area.
  2. Click the "Count" button.
  3. The number of characters and bytes will be displayed.

Feature Description

Character counting
Universal Text Analyzer counts the number of characters in a text string, including both letters and punctuation marks. It supports English, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean characters.
Byte counting
Universal Text Analyzer also counts the number of bytes in a text string. This is useful for determining the file size of a text document.
Punctuation mark counting
Universal Text Analyzer counts the number of each type of punctuation mark in a text string. This can be useful for analyzing the style of a piece of writing.
Email address extraction
Universal Text Analyzer extracts all email addresses from a text string. This can be useful for marketing or spam filtering.
URL extraction
Universal Text Analyzer extracts all URLs from a text string. This can be useful for web analytics or link building.


This web application is a multi-language character counter and text analyzer that can be used to count the number of characters and bytes in a given text string. It supports English, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, and can be used to count characters in both upper and lowercase, as well as kana and kanji and extracts email addresses and URLs.
The application also includes a punctuation counter that can be used to count the number of punctuation marks in a given text string, including punctuation marks that are specific to Chinese and Japanese. Additionally, the application can be used to extract email addresses and URLs from a given text string.
This application is a valuable tool for anyone who needs to count the number of characters or punctuation marks in a text string, or who needs to extract email addresses or URLs from a text string.